Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Pump is Baaaaack

I went to chemo today. at it was just as I thought. Nothing to be worried about because it is pretty much the  same as usual. I was there from 9:20 until about 3- I had labs, saw Christine (Dr. B's PA) and waited for them to get the orders right. They usually do, but Christine forgot the Avatstin and Bendryl. I knew they would insist on the Avastin, and I insisted on the Bendryl. I am such that is why I didn't have bone pain last time. Okay, just little where my epidural was, but who knows what that is from.

I am happy to report that I am just about 10 pounds less than when I started this process. I am good at this weight, and happy not to feel my bones quite as much. I was little freaked out there for awhile, thought I always felt lucky that I started at a place with some wiggle room. I have seen some pretty skinny people when I go to chemo.

I still have mixed feelings about my pump. It's good it's bad and that's the way it is. I live with it. I hate it. I love that it's killing the cancer. I hate the cancer even more than the pump. It's not even a fair comparison.

What I love is Bennett running to see me after a day of school, how much fun Pat and Bennett have swimming together, the possibility of purple paint for Bennett's room, petting Bennett's head until she sleeps, her naked butt running to the bath, anything with caramel, and lemon curd. What do you love?


  1. Happy Mardi Gras, Ruth! Theo stepped in for Junior this morning. I wish I had called you! I love to read those things you love. And I love anything Theo cooks. Just two things before packing for NY tomorrow. Hope to talk to you then.

  2. I love autumn in New York. June in Tuscany. Bernini fountains in Rome. Walking the streets of the Village arm-in-arm with Bob. (A certain naked butt --other than Bennett's-- running to the bath.) And currently, ending most nights with a quiet dip into your soul, my dear Ruth. Thanks for that!

  3. I love what Jim said!

  4. Watching my grown son's talking sports with their dad, watching them skate which they have been doing since the ages of 2 and 6 years. Laughing with my husband, and being completely immature and silly with Katie in public. And Chocolate!
