Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Post 211

Phew, that's a lot of posting.

I am good today. Had a super busy day and thought a lot about life and death. I suppose that is how I spend most of my days. Today, though, I had a rough patch in the morning that ended with me crying in the book shop while waiting for my acupuncture appointment. As always Nancy straightened me out, and I feel much better. We figured out it was two things, I have to tell an old friend that I have cancer and haven't really been in touch with him for a couple of years. I thought it would be hard, and it might be, but the story I was spinning about that conversation was weighing on me. Not the real conversation, not based on anything that I know, just some crap my chemo brain made up.

The second thing is I had to get my tooth fixed and over the weekend I thought of a joke for the dentist "just make it last a couple of years." Not so funny if you think about it over and over for a couple of days. Let's just say when I was in her chair today, I didn't make that joke. I told her she would be the first doctor I would come to when I was chemo free. She really wants to fix that tooth. Right now all she can do is use this tooth filler. I am sure one day this tooth is just going to be a filling surrounded by tooth spackle.

So back to my busy day, lots got done - picked up the tile for the new bathroom (purple and butter cream), did a little shopping, got my glasses fixed, acupuncture, dentist, bank, gas, you get it. All with my pump and red red cheeks from the steroids. I am pretty proud of myself. I also got to read Bennett books and play with her tonight and she was super giggly. That makes me happy. So I end this day on a good note. I return my pump tomorrow - my turn is almost over. Thank goodness.


  1. I love the pics. All of you are having such a great time and B fits right in with the grown-ups. Just remember you are doing all you can and you are great. Right now you are living with cancer and before you know it you will be living without it.

  2. "Not so funny if you think about it over and over for a couple of days."

    Wisdom AND humor are both among your great gifts, Ruth, and will be your salvation.
