Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Thursday, March 3, 2011

I Had a Burger

And not just any burger. The Zagat's guide #1 burger in the US. That's right - at Red Robin. It was good, with plenty of onion, cheese and pickles. They also have endless fries. Ruth and I went for lunch and it was fun. We just talked and talked and ate and ate some more. I didn't get home until time to go get Bennett. So, I went to get B and she asked me to take her to Herrell's. Can't say no to the best ice cream I've ever had. She had vanilla and I had Triple Malt. Herrell's will add malt to just about anything, but their malted vanillas are the best. It was fun to just sit together and talk.  Then we went home, and had the usual evening of dinner, bath, books, etc.

So now I am posting. I am pretty good. I haven't been sleeping well and that's a drag. I wonder if the new chemo drug makes me a little speedy. I have to ask next week. Last night I had a glass of port before bed and that really helped. I am pretty sure I should not make that a habit - you know, for my liver and all. It's got enough to contend with.

I am also in a conundrum about what color flooring to pick for B's room. I don't want to pick out anything that is not going to be versatile, but I also want it to be fun. Why, oh why, doesn't this former dance studio have one hard wood floor anywhere? It would make things so much easier and cooler. Oh well, a challenge is a good thing for me to have right about now. It keeps my mind off other things...if you know what I mean.

I am knitting B a pink kitty hat. She told me that is what she wants and then the blue dog hat. She wore the rainbow socks to school today and showed them off to her favorite teacher. I guess the hating was short lived. I just put them in her sock basket last night thinking they would just sit there - she is a surprise every day. She cried and cried today when I told her we were not going to New York City after dinner. They are studying the city at school and she knows we are going soon, so it was just a terrible heart break to learn that she has to wait. Boy, do I understand.


  1. Hey, where is Red Robin? I've never been there, and need to remedy that.

  2. I love Red Robin. Of course Vermont does not do a really good beef burger. Fresh, healthy yes, burgers and hotdogs, no. Bennett is at the age where she is going to say 'no' to whatever you ask. Of course she loves her socks. Can't wait to see the hat.

  3. Put Red Robin at the top of the list for next time we visit you.

    And tell Bennett she's got two uncles in the City who are planning a great visit for her in a couple weeks... and who will show her around as many times more, for a long time into the future.

    And that goes for her Mamma and Mammo, too!
