Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Posting with the Pup

Zeus is sleeping right next to me, my arm is resting on his butt like it's an armrest. He is such a good boy that sometimes I forget to love him up as much as I should. I suppose that's true for everyone. I just forget to love everyone else up the way I should. Myself too.

One way I loved myself today was to get a facial. My first. It was pretty great. She did my feet and hands too. She even put my feet into heated foot holders, that was pretty divine. I feel very moist and soft. The facialist was Dutch, and as soon as she saw my name started speaking Dutch to me. Too bad I don't know a word. This is something I've always regretted. I know that not that many people speak Dutch, but it seems like something I should know.

I hadn't been to the Cancer Connection is about a month. It was so great to see them all. It's such a wonderful place. I wish I could give them a big donation, they all work so hard and the demand for their services is so great.

I also loved myself by working on the trim in Bennett's room. How does that help me love myself? I am going to soon have a room that I only share with Pat. That will be very nice. I plan on having that room painted completely by the weekend. We will still have to put in the new floor, but at that point we will be very close.

So take some time out tonight to remember someone to love. That's my assignment to you. It's not a bad one, it could be worse. Like making you balance your checkbook everyday.


  1. I'll take on your assignment. I miss all 3 of you and can't wait to see younthis weekend!

  2. Good to see you and Bennett yesterday. Your skin looked great! I hope the "fair food" settled well.

    Hmmm . . . you have given me something to contemplate. I think we are all guilty of not loving those around us well enough or consistently enough. I know I am. Our two dogs often drive me nuts with their antics-- guzzling down loaves of bread carelessly left on the counter, chewing up prized Calico Critters (Hazel the Hedgehog now has only half a nose), getting into the trash--and I sometimes forget to love them up as much as I should, in all their doggy complexity. Same to be said for my human companions.

    Life is fleeting-- we know this, yet we too often take things for granted, so thanks for the reminder!!

  3. I love this post! (Can you hear my tail thumping?)

    It's beautiful, poetic and heartfelt.

    I second and third PB & Sandy's "thanks" for the reminder and the assignment.
