Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Monday, March 7, 2011

Chemo Tomorrow

Yep, and my nerves are a little shot. I am not sure why, but my eye is a little twitchy and I think it's nerves. I am not going to get all into it. I am just going to go with it and it will all be okay. It's not my business to worry about tomorrow anyway.

I had a busy day, lots done, and now I am going to bed. Wish me luck for tomorrow. I am feeling good about it and worried too.


  1. Good luck - we're thinking about you.


  2. Thoughts and prayers for healing, strength, and good strong butt-kicking!

  3. I hope all goes well for you today. You are amazingly strong in every way. I envision those tumors just being squashed like little grapes. One by one until they are all gone.
