Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Do you think it's bad for me to eat 1/2 a jar of lemon curd in one sitting. Oh, yeah, me too. I would never do such a thing. Yum.

Another fine day for me. My class was great and the work my students are doing is incredible. Everyone is nice to each other and there is a lot of hard work happening. I love it. I have an idea for a piece of work for a window we have here. I will get on that once Bennett's room is done. Pat and I have a date tomorrow to move everything out of the old bedroom into the new bedroom so we can work on the old bedroom (so it will be Bennett's). We have this idea that Bennett's room and the new bathroom should be done before my brother and his wife come to visit in June. I think we can do it. Pat and I are a very good team - we do not work together that well, but we excel at tag-teaming projects. I do the closet and make it cute, she sees it's cute and puts in the floor, you get the idea.

I spent the rest of the day doing this and that. I opened a cookbook for the first time in months and made a nice dinner. Again, something I have not been doing for the past 6 months. I made dinner almost every night for years, and somehow forgot how. I have to reacquaint myself with the process as it was very satisfying.

Now I am going to watch a movie and keep relaxing. You guys have been great, but I have to go now. Good night.


  1. Curds!? No whey!

    BTWhey, you and Pat are definitely a fantastic team! Bob and I talked about that after our last visit with you guys. The way you both care for, look after, feel so at home with, check in with and listen well to each other is very noticable and makes us very happy.

    Another appropo word verification: uinising

  2. Everything in moderation, Ruth. If you eat 1/2 jar of lemon curd in one sitting only every once in a while, then it's completely fine!


  3. Tried to Skype with you on Sunday, but I guess someone beat me to the ring. Sounds like things are looking up and I hope you have more good days than bad. I left a little video for Bennett on Facebook. Maybe next Sunday.....
