Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Thursday, March 10, 2011


That's what happened to me today. I crashed, and how. I did a few things this morning, not more strenuous than folding laundry and taking out the garbage. Then I just had to sit, so I knitted until it was time to drive myself to Worcester to drop off the pump. That was fine and I just turned around and came home. When I got home, I got into bed and the people from disability called. I had an hour long interview with them and had to describe all of the procedures and drugs and events of the past, what is it now, almost eight months. A lot has happened. It was a little like telling a story about someone else, because it was such a bizarre tale, that it must have happened to someone else.

I guess not, because she was talking to me. After that conversation, I got to fall into a lovely nap just long enough to have a hot flash. A new T shirt later, and all was well. An apple and frosted flakes for dinner and now I am going to bed. I know I will be better tomorrow, it's just the day three crash, bang, boom. Rama-a-lang-a-ding-dong. See I feel better already.

1 comment:

  1. I'd say that you should just give the people from disabilities the web address to your blog, but they'd probably say "dis-a-what?" (because you most likely work harder than anyone in their office, even on your bad days.)
