Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

POST 190

Can you believe it? That's a lot of griping, crying, rejoicing and kvetching. And it's all been good, I think, at least it's been good for me. Thanks for hanging in there with me. Before I forget here are the rainbow socks I made for Bennett.

They have been soundly rejected. I am hoping that she will come to like them and wear them. She told me to give them to another kid. Maybe I will. The problem is, I care and she doesn't. Oh well, maybe I shouldn't care so much. Pat says B will one day pick them up and put them on and love them. Hopefully they won't be too small by then.

Had another good day. As a matter of fact I am sitting here posting and eating this fantastic salty Dutch licorice that P got me for Christmas. She told me that day we will just hold on to it until I can eat it. I am going to polish off the container tonight. I took B to school, went to the Goodwill (which is looking rather lean these days), had acupuncture and had lunch with M and M's daughter. It was very interesting. I mostly felt like she needed a new doctor who would take better care of her. It really made me appreciate Dr. B. and his expertise. You know after all this chemo and crap I have only thrown up three or four times. This poor woman is barfing all the darn time. We are getting the same drugs, so it must be the anti-nausea drugs Dr. B. gives me and my reaction to the chemo drugs. I am very lucky. Then I painted the closet and finished knitting B's second sock.

Now I am trying to find a new knitting project. I have a 3/4 done sweater from last year that I am avoiding like the plague. It's complicated and brown- I want to knit things that are bright and fun and easy. I'll keep you posted on what I choose. I don't think it's going to be anything for Bennett since she doesn't like the sweaters I've made for her and she is not interested in the socks. I am starting to get a complex.

Tomorrow I am not sure what I going to do. I have to install a rod in the closet and start a plan for B's room. I don't want to get too deep into anything because it's impossible to get anything done on the weekend and I have chemo next week. And we all know what that does to the week and to me.

BTW I had a Cesar salad today. It was divine. Tell me something divine.


  1. When John & I turned out the light last night he said "I wish you could get this feeling more than once a day". It's true, going to bed is divine.

    How about knitting for charity - prem babies, etc?

  2. I agree with Mary, bed/sleep is divine.

    Also a good Staglin Cabernet Sauvignon from before 2006.

    The pasta tasting menue at Babbo. The Sunday night special braciole at Lupa. The regular tasting menu at Gramercy Tavern. A great aged balsamic from Modena. Actually anything from the Italian countryside.

    But MOST OF ALL...dear friendships that go back more than 20 years.
