Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Phew What a Day

I had a great day, even lugging around the pump. Day 2 is easier because I am not as drugged up and the pump get lighter as the chemo drugs go into my body. It does start out quite heavy. So this is where I brought my pump today - to Home Depot, twice. Once to get paint and twice to order the floor tile for the new bathroom. I took it to the laundry room about a million times to do actual laundry, but also to haul crap from the old bedroom to empty it out to get ready for the new paint and floor. I picked out some bright color samples for B to choose from - she had five or six choices. I was sure she would go for the pink, but she chose purple. They were all colors Pat and I decided were acceptable before showing B.

I also took my pump outside to remove a little snow from the front garden. I picked up a piece of trash this morning and under it was inch-high iris plants. I quickly removed all the plant debris from the area and there were crocuses and daffs, also about an inch high. I went inside, grabbed the shovel and started removing the snow from the rest of the garden. I pooped out pretty quick and it's supposed to rain tomorrow anyway. I just thought I would give those notes of spring a head start.

I went to acupuncture and on the way I called to wish my mom a happy 82nd birthday. I woke her up with my mathematical error that made me think it was 9 her time and not 8. I am so proud to have such a great mom. At acupuncture I got some help with my neck and nausea. I just feel a little blah in the belly now, I can't stand taking my anti nausea meds, they make me feel dizzy and dopey. After acupuncture I took my pump to the garden store and bought brand new pink garden gloves. I am not really supposed to work in the garden but I am going to wear latex gloves under the garden gloves and Pat swears she will help with the nasty bits. I already know one of my rose bushes bit the dust this winter. Oh well.

Tomorrow I will prepare the ceiling for painting this weekend. I will take my faithful yet not so loved pump back to Worcester. I guess my turn is over - that's what I tell Bennett. The sad thing is it is now someone else's turn.


  1. A purple bedroom for Bennett and a sighting of early spring flowers=a great day! Double gloves are a good idea--- you need to be in the garden! Safe travels tomorrow, Ruth, and maybe we can do a Nick's Nest run or something later in the day if the weather isn't too lousy.


  2. The mini-story of discovering "those notes of spring" and quickly clearing the snow and debris to encourage them, has a metaphorical feel to it. Like it's something you're doing for each of the surprising signs of life in your life.

    I like Bennett's color choice, BTW.
