Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Friday, January 7, 2011

I'm Out

 I am out of the hospital and successfully reacclimmated myself to my lovely home with my lovely family. I do not like being in the hospital. The people were incredible and work their butts off. I just don't like feeling like I HAVE to be there. I am lucky the surgery went so well. The got out all the gunk in my abdomen! Yay! The main tumor was "not that big" according the the surgical oncologist - just as big as his fist. I can't imagine how big it was before the seven, count 'em, seven chemo treatments. He took out about a foot of my colon and 18 inches of lower intestine. And some other stuff here and there, but no other organs. I have an incision about 10" long - right through my belly button tattoo.  They were very careful about matching it up properly. A very sweet and, I have to say, very young surgical intern told me it is actually easier to stitch up incisions with tattoos than without. I am happy I could help them with my 25 year old, saggy reminder of my past.

I left feeling pretty good. Still no pain meds since yesterday at 10 am. I don't really need them, and feel like if I took them I would over do it. It's hard enough for me not to be doing stuff already - on day one. And I am supposed to take it easy for weeks. My doc said after I recuperate, I get to start picking Bennett up again. That is really really cool for me. She is very interested in my belly and the metal staples that are there. She has been very gentle so far, but it's hard to explain to a 3 year old what surgery is and why ones would have it. Especially since I am trying not to scare the crap out of her. It just may be too late for that.

So tonight I plan on having a good sleep in the new bedroom that Pat made pretty for me. Thanks for all the comments and well wishes. I declare the I will up for visitors, but please call first. And I got the clearance to eat whatever I want in moderation- still low fiber but I don't have to be so crazy as before. Thank God and I mean that. Thanks for everything.


  1. Ruth- you are a warrior, for sure! A tumor the size of a man's fist is not 'that big'? Huh?!

    So glad you are back home . . . is it time for a BLT?!

  2. Do I hear sushi????
    I knew you would come home soon - you are a WARRIOR!!!!
    Jen H

  3. Ruth, I am so glad you are home. I hope you have some delicious meals and it must be so good to be back with your family. (I learned from you that I underestimate the value of tattoos!).

  4. Rest and Heal. You must be psyched to be able to eat more. Good for you! I would encourage, if you feel bennett is really getting freaked out, to let her make drawings of what is going on. It has been my experience working in the arts with kids, that it is very theraputic for them to work through things this way. Just like adults it helps them to "get it off their chest". I also found this helpful for my kids as well. Dolls that you can sort of alter also help. So, one that you can actually stitch into so it also has can heal to..and have them removed. She'll be fine. The way you and Pat handle it is how she will handle it. OK enough from Dr. B Rest and Heal. So happy you are home and doing well, Love Karen B

  5. "A very sweet and, I have to say, very young surgical intern told me it is actually easier to stitch up incisions with tattoos than without. I am happy I could help them with my 25 year old, saggy reminder of my past."

    ...Less than a week out of surgery and you're already making me laugh. I loved this post from beginning to end. I'm sure being around Bennett and Pat's love, curiosity and courage will help you heal even more quickly.
