Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Thursday, January 6, 2011

It's Me

Hello everyone, it's Ruth here. It's early in the morning, before dawn, but lots of activity is happening around me. The docs were just here for their daily exam. This time they thumped on my abdomen, that was pretty bold considering.

I am pretty tired and have a headache which is a common side effect of the pain medication. Ironic.

I am not sure what to write about. Here are some things that are on my mind, first and foremost is how to stay in the moment. The pain keeps me there pretty well. I am not in tons of pain, because I have a button that I push when I need relief. They call it a PCA, I am not sure what that stands for - pain control analgesia, I just asked. It has dilauid in it. The epidural catheder stopped working the night before last- that had fentinil and bibuvicaine in it. Dr. Whalen said that epidural catheters are brilliant when they work, but when they fail it's like having no pain meeds at all. Yep, that's what it was like. I kept asking myself if this is what agony is. It was terrible, I'll just leave it at that. So I still have the epidural catheter, but just with bibuvicaine. BTW don't trust my spelling of the meeds...

Since writing the above, I have taken a walk gotten the epidural catheter out and am waiting for them to take the other catheter out. I wonder if I remember how to pee by myself.


  1. Hi Ruth-- uuughhh . . . so so sorry to hear about the epi catheter failure, but glad you are on something that is working now. I hate to think of you in agony; that is truly terrible, but it is over now and hopefully this new pain med will do the trick. Your brain may think it does not remember how to pee, but I am sure your body will!! A big hug and super rays of healing light sent your way today.


  2. We are thinking about you Ruth. I hope you are able to get some good healing rest. Strong thoughts of pain-free healing headed your way.

  3. Linda and Evan said,
    I know how hard it is to visualize the pain leaving, when the pain is so intense it's hard to concentrate. So...we will just have to visualize your pain lifting off your body and going awayyyyy!

    You are a brave and amazing woman and we can't wait till you are all better,

    Linda and Evan

  4. Go Super Ruth go! I can't believe you're up, walking and blogging already! Way to go! Hope you are home fast and feeling great soon. Sending healing thoughts,

  5. It's great to hear from you! We send our love and wishes for a fast recovery.
