Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sunday Night

It's been a quiet day. Not much to report. Still eating my brains out and today's craving was iced animal crackers. Pat got them for me - they are such a reminder of childhood. They are just as junky as I remember.

Pat took B to the Y to swim and I thought I would spend that time reading my book. I feel right to sleep on the couch and didn't wake until they got home. That was a surprise. I didn't know I was tired at all. I must have needed it. My belly continues to heal and I am surprised at how thin the scar is. Nancy the acupunturist has some treatments up her sleeve and is eager to get going on them. I will let you know what they are. The scar doesn't really bother me at all - it's not like my bikini look has somehow been ruined. Mostly I am grateful they were able to get as much of the cancer out as they did. It is easy, sometimes, to forget we still have to deal with my liver.

But I get ahead of myself, and I am trying to stay out of God's business and stay in mine.  Today is my business.

Aunt Ruth and Aunt Liz came over. Bennett was pretty much in heaven. It gave me a chance to get on the treadmill which wore me out. Bennett likes to come with me while I am on the treadmill, stand next to the treadmill and hold my hand. It is very sweet and loving. She really is the best soul I've ever met.

Time for bed, way past time for bed.

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