Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Thanks for the Love

I really needed it. For some reason I had a very hard day today. Lots of tears and teeth gnashing. Poor Pat, who comforts me through it all. I still don't know what the deal was. It may be that the nice long weekend with Pat and Bennett was over. That we have been talking about when P is going to go back to work. That I did the finances- ouch! It's been three weeks since my surgery and I feel pretty good physically.

I did a lot today. The opposite of what I have been doing for the last three days - which was sitting on my butt. We woke up to more snow - just about an 1 1/2 inches. It was beautiful but messy. I worried when B&P drove off to drop B at school. I cleaned the kitchen, folded the laundry and finally finished priming the damn bookshelf. I did the bills and that is what I could do. I sat for the next few hours and went with Pat to pick Bennett up at school. I am bushed, but in a better way than how I feel sitting on my butt. I will admit that I do have some discomfort in my belly that I didn't have yesterday. Maybe tomorrow I will not do as much. I have reflexology in the morning and that will probably set the tone for relaxation.

Oh, I almost forgot. Dr. B. called me tonight. We are starting chemo again next week. I should say that I am starting chemo next Tuesday. I was shocked. He said four weeks recovery from surgery is enough and I said okay. I am not, repeat not, looking forward to it. I decided that I am going to be braver this time. Last time I got a little too scared and wouldn't do some things that I am going to do this time. I am not going to miss too many B things. I am not going to be so paranoid about germs (within reason) and I am going to plow through the fatigue (if I get any) to have a fuller life. If my life is going to shorter than I want it to be, I am not spending it in bed for god's sake.

I am counting on all of you to help me stay motivated. To remind me to live my life to the fullest and not miss a thing. Swords out everyone, it's time to fight.


  1. Chwingggggg! (That's the sound of me drawing my sword.) Fight on and know that we've got your back!!

  2. We're ready for battle! Or battle support. Let us know what we can do, and when, and we will be there if we're able. Big hugs.


  3. Hiiyaaa!!kick,spin,POW! Then a lot of hugs and healing love! Will be here to cheer you all the way back to health. Karen B

  4. You've got it Ruth! Prayers, Swords, Love! Whatever you need!

    BTW, this post was touching.

  5. Maybe yesterday you were having a post-poptart crash?

    I hope that reflexology sets you up for a relaxing, healing day. But with a fighting spirit, of course.

  6. I hope your day is starting out as relaxing as you hoped, Ruth....nothing better than having your feet played with, esp. if they get between the toes! Thinking about you and standing with you too, sword at attention.

  7. This would be a good time for taking each hour, each day as it comes. It's right now and it's the best it can be. I can't wait to see you. Have a pop tart and I'll see you soon. You can show me how to post without the darn anonymous.
