Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Sneezes are the Enemy

Today was a good day. Very mellow- just what I needed.  My incision is healing nicely - except the bit in my belly button, but I am working on that. I am itchy like mad, which I still believe is a mark of healing. I walked seven minutes on the treadmill today - up from yesterday's four. Tomorrow I will try for ten.

The treadmill is right behind that glass door, so I got to watch the snow fall and people cleaning up. I was a little jealous because I actually like to shovel snow and be out with everyone while they also shovel. It feels as close to a community activity as our street gets.

The seven minutes made me too exhausted to take a shower, I got all the stuff I needed put it in the bathroom and promptly took a two hour nap. That on top of watching another princess movie with Bennett took up most of the day.

I am really proud of myself for how fast I am healing. When I think about that first night and losing pain management and standing up for the first time after surgery, it's like night and day. And the day is just going to get better.

Tomorrow Mary and I are either going to the flooring store to pick out flooring for the bathroom, or to the paint store. That activity, I am sure, will warrant naps and lots of sitting and doing crossword puzzles. I think one activity a day is enough for now. Keep the good thoughts and prayers coming - they are working.


  1. You are just too much girl! After my second c-section sneezing and getting in and out of bed--OMG OUCH! I didn't leave the house for six weeks let alone get on a treadmill. You are AMAZING!

  2. So you really are a warrior. You are tough and determined which is what it takes for this journey. Remember it's ok to feel tired and take naps.

  3. My mom always said that itching means healing, so it is good that you are itching all over. I hope you are itching in your soul, too!

    We loved shopping for a floor for our bathroom. We decided on vinyl due to it's durability and ease of upkeep. We really dislike vinyl that tries to look like something else, such as stone or tile. We found a great product: We chose "Kyoto Camel."

    All the best to you and yours from me and mine.
