Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I Thought I was Tired! Ha!

This is going to be short and sweet. I am beat to crap. My stomach is yellow and purple and is smarting. I tried to paint the bookshelf today but only got one and half shelves done before I was done. I then had a 2 hour nap, from which Pat woke me to take me to Harry Potter. We got there and the time on Fandango was wrong. It was a huge disappointment for both of us. We haven't been to the movies in years. So we came home and I took my spot on the couch and watched a Barbie movie with Bennett.

There is a restlessness in our house tonight. I bet it's the coming storm. B is having a terrible time going to sleep, I am tired and wired and sore and, I can safely say, a little freaked out. Just trying to heal is enough for me tonight. Sleep well all my fellow warriors.


  1. Growing up in Kansas City, the weather was always more tumultuous and ripe for tornados before the actual storm came. As soon as it really started to rain or snow, it became calmer, and somehow safer. Everyone believed that once it started to rain, the threat of tornados were gone.

    I hope that when the storm comes, it brings some rest to the restlessness in the house. And healing to the bruised tummy. Love ya!

  2. I'm sorry this is such a hard time for you. I hope you can remember your energy is being used for recovery and what may feel like doing nothing is actually doing a great deal.

  3. That is wild, all you did yesterday. (This is from someone who has seen your incision!) I am glad Pat is keeping you focused on the world around you, AND you can be equally serious about your rest, and giving over to your body's busy healing. Yellow and purple is good, right? -- going through the healing stages. (You know I want to see that, too.) Ruth, I was so glad to talk to you yesterday, even though work pulled me away. Sail on! Till later...
