Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Saturday, January 15, 2011

I Feel Like I've Been Released from a Prison Camp

That's right. I just had Pad Thai for dinner with a raspberry pavlova for dessert. When I tasted the pavlova that what I said - all those months of such a restricted diet and now I can eat pretty much whatever I want. I am supposed to keep the fiber to a minimum at this point, but after all this time I am not craving kale and beans. I am sure there will be a time when I do, just not today. 

Another lovely day. I slept like a log in my own bed (I've been sleeping alone for the past two weeks, in our new bedroom), woke up to Bennett asking me to play, got up and played and went from there. I am working super hard at being in the present and believing the best best best. I even went to get paint from Home Depot. That may have been a mistake. My abdomen is pretty sore - sorer than it was. I guess I have to get back into some kind of shape. Life shape. So I can grab as much of it as I can. 

Then home to hours of hanging with Bennett doing this and that. It was good. I feel like my recovery is on course. I do have some trepidation about chemo, but I am not going into the future these days. The future is God's business and not mine. If I am there, I am not here. And I want to be here with you all.

1 comment:

  1. I just read back through the past few days' posts and this one, and I have a big smile on my face for you Ruth! I love hearing your recovery and wisdom and love.
