Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Well, It's Not Good Part II

So it's been 12 hours since the news. And news was all it was. I am exactly the same person I was yesterday. The only thing that is different, is now I know. I know the lump in my belly that hurts is not scar tissue, but a tumor. I know the nodules in my lungs are cancer. I know I better get going on my life, because who knows how much of it there will be? St Lucia here we come.

I had to have a duplex leg ultrasound. I have an embolus in my lung and they wanted to make sure there weren't any in my legs. My legs are fine. But it was all rush rush and needed to be done today. Better to know today - something good anyway, than to worry and gnash my teeth.

So Dr B said that if this combination of drugs doesn't work - and we will check in eight weeks - I will have to go to a clinical trial in Boston. I definitely thought he had more options up his sleeve. I won't worry about that now, the best thing I can do is remember the things he told me are in my favor- my age, my attitude, I don't have underlying issues to worry about. He didn't mention that I have all of you on my side, and God, so I have a lot of things going for me.

I took some notes today. This is what they say. Lungs. Liver. New tumors. Clinical Trial. That's it. I guess that was all I heard. I also guess that's all we need to know for now.

I will end on cancer side effect/Bennett story. The Avastin makes me have a lot of blood in the nose and when I blow my nose the tissue is a gory mess. The other day Bennett wanted to see what was in my tissue. I told her my boogers were private. And she said, oh, just like nipples. Yep, just like nipples.


  1. It is so true that you are the same person you were this morning, and precious to all of us.

  2. Ruth, even those of us who are far away in distance have been, and continue to be, right beside you. love, Joanne

  3. The way you are dealing with all of this is inspirational and I thank you for sharing your strength.

  4. Ruth, you have a great attitude and that is a formidable asset. I am glad that you are moving on to what is next, both in treatment and vacation planning! We are all here for you,in whatever way you need.

  5. OMG B is too funny. Keep her humor in your heart...that will keep you going forever!
    Karen B
