Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


I am in a very grumpy mood. Bennett spilled her smoothie all over the rug, the garbage bag leaked greasy stuff on the floor, I cut my thumb while making dinner. I am trying to console myself by eating chocolate covered toffee popcorn. It sort of hurts my teeth.

You wouldn't know it, but I had a good day today. A really good day. I took Bennett to school at 8:30 and didn't sit down until 2. I got a lot done and feel fine. I saw Nancy who had a lot of say about my unfortunate experience at the club with that ahem...woman. I left feeling alive again, which was great. I made a delicious and healthy dinner which included beets, fennel and Pat's wild mushroom. But somehow, some where something went wrong and I got crabby.

Oh well, I suppose that's okay. It's normal even if you don't have cancer to get crabby once and awhile. I will give myself a break and eat some of this candy, cruise the canning blogs and get to bed early. It may just be a case of not recognizing that I am tired. Tired of the rain, tired of the cancer, tired of being grumpy.

I pledge to try to less grumpy. Starting now. I'll let you know how it goes.

1 comment:

  1. I vow to be less grumpy. That's about every other night.

    I'm with you on the cure - reading cookbooks, raiding the fridge and going to bed. Sounds good. Do I really have to go to work now?

