Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Fever Days

So I finally took B to the docs this morning to find out why she still had a fever after almost three days. We just could not get it to go down. Pat was genius and rigged up a way to keep cool washcloths in the bedroom most of the night. None of slept all that well, B tossed and turned, I worried and changed head cloths and I am not sure what Pat was doing - probably worrying about me and Bennett.

The docs said there is a virus going around and its only real symptom is a many-day fever. No ear infection, no boogies, just fever. B has a lingering cough and boogies from the last virus, so I wasn't sure if it was new, old, whatever. The doc told me a formula for precise dosing for tylenol for kids and I realized I was totally under dosing B, which is why we never got her fever down. She said the directions on labels are not precise enough. Now I know. So I went home, gave B the right amount of tylenol and she was up for playing with Aunt Ruth in a very short time. It was the first time in days that I saw her with any kind of energy. After about an hour of play, she started crying and crawled on my lap and fell asleep. That girl is just exhausted from this darn fever. Let's hope that tomorrow when we wake up her temp will be normal.

I am fine. I am lucky I have dodged all of the viruses that have come into the house. I am a constant hand washer and I have that great Neulasta shot, so I am lucky lucky lucky. The weather has been rainy, so it was not that hard to stay home and sort of ease into just taking care of B. It is exhausting, the constant getting up and getting something and then the next thing for a kid who is sad and sick. But I got to stay in my jammies too and read while she watched Care Bears and Star Pony videos. That is the total up side of this thing - just taking care of B has taken my mind off me. And that is comforting.

Pat is backing from teaching, and it is so much easier with her around. The house is a tip (as Mary would say), and I have been ignoring the mail, but sometimes we all get to just be and not worry about too much except the little girl with the fever. And she is so lovely and wonderful, I would do anything to take care of her.

One last thing, tonight she was having a hard time going to sleep, so she sat up and said momo I am just going to sit here and sing songs until my eyes get tired. I got to listen to her sing three or fours songs she must have learned at school because they were not familiar. It was such a gift it made my heart beam.

1 comment:

  1. Bennett has such a lovely, sweet voice. I'm sure listening to her songs was wonderful. Love you, Joanne
