Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

No More Ice Cream For Me

What!?! Can it be true? Yes, it is. I read the rules about this new drug, Oxaliplatin. No cold drinks, no cold anything in my mouth, no touching what's in the freezer without gloves, to AC, no breathing in cold air in the winter. That's going to be easy...not.

And no more ice cream. I love ice cream. It's in my top two comfort foods, the other one is variable, but ice cream has always been there. Alas, no more. So it took cancer to get me off ice cream. That's how much I love it. You get the picture. Also no more alcohol. No even my 4 oz. of wine on special occasions. Cookies aren't cold. That's good news, neither is pie. Pat is trying to convince me to cut down on my sugar consumption. She thinks it feeds the cancer. She may be right. I will try. But I am not going to be miserable, no way.

Today was okay. I didn't do much. Slept in, went to see Nancy to get my head straightened out and some nice acupuncture. She really helped me slip back into the world, I was a little disassociated. I can't blame myself for needed a little mental vacation, but if I am to get every drop out of life, I can't go too far for too long. I came home, rested a little, picked up B from school. There is nothing like getting to B's classroom and having her drop everything and yell "mommy!" I could hear that 1000 times a day and never tire of it. It is my greatest joy to be one of her moms. Thought, she has been calling me Dad lately too. That's okay, I am big with very short hair. She knows I am a woman (she says girl), but can I be Daddy too? Sure, what the hell.

I am tired, but not as bad as with the other drug. I never got the swollen tongue and bionic chemo eyes and that terrible taste in my mouth - all silver linings. I guess that's an even exchange for not having ice cream. Maybe.

1 comment:

  1. Boy, I wish you got a second hot fudge sundae when I last saw you. But now that cooler weather is approaching, pie sounds VERY appealing. We will have to go for a slice of the banana cream pie at Paul and Elizabeth's- delicious.
