Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Saturday, September 10, 2011

A Day of Too Much

Well, maybe just the right amount. We were all a little stir crazy from being inside all day, so we decided to go to the Chalk Festival in Northampton. That's a festival where they put out a ton of sidewalk chalk and have music and a lady making balloon animals. It was pretty fun. It was mostly fun because we met Sandy and Avy and did a lot of hanging around looking at stuff in the stores first. We had lunch, we went out for ice cream. It was an absolutely perfect day - weather-wise. Of course, now I am pooped.

Did I mention I got some new shoes? My mom always sends me some birthday money, and I always buy myself some new shoes. They are sort of the shoes I wear for the year and by the time my next birthday comes around I need a new pair. I know most people wear different shoes every day, but not me. I have a repertoire of maybe three pairs of shoes - my favs, the back-ups, and the ones I don't like to wear.

On the way home from the festival, Bennett fell asleep. It was lucky because we happened upon three tag sales. I scored a winter coat for B for a buck. Pat got B a small bin of Barbies. Other things were acquired and it was time to go home. It was a great day. I know I must go to bed. I am even more pooped than when I started this post.


  1. Glad to hear you scored when it was your turn to shop!


  2. Ruth, It was a fun day. I laughed all over again when I told Brad about Bennett and Avy trying on wigs and dancing around. I noticed we missed a few of the artist's chalk drawings. There's a really cool one of some kids in hoodies throwing balls. I saw it online. A bin of Barbies?! I think you need to make one of those lamps!
