Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

How Can It Be?

How can it be that I am even more tired than yesterday? I took it easy, I knitted, I watched a lot of old episodes of The Office. I didn't do anything except go to acupuncture. So I thought that I would be rejuvenated, but I am wicked tired.

Enough on that point, maybe we should just agree that I am always tired that way I don't have to write about it anymore. Deal done. This next part will be called My Ode to Jessica. It's not really an ode, but a story. Two days ago, we were chatting on the phone. When all of the sudden I hear a far away AAAAHHHHH! It was the sound of Jessica falling while crossing the street (she lives in NYC). Some background info - J is  very pregnant with twins currently named Ruth A and Ruth B (only in my mind). Anyway we went back and forth about whether to go to the doc after the fall, and she did. They kept her there until 10:30 at night. All is well, and the little Ruthies will be fine. It was a little scary hearing the scream, esp. since I couldn't do anything from so far away. I am so glad the little ones are okay and J is too. Next stop the shoe store for high tops with super good treads.

The second part of this post is My Ode to Ruth and Theo. Today is Theo's birthday and we had a great little party. BBQ steaks, lots of goodies, fab cake. Ruth puts on a good party and Theo puts on a mean BBQ. Theo taught B darts and she actually got a bull's eye. I have a photo, but I am too tired to load it up. R&T have a great relationship with B and she loves them like crazy. We all love them like crazy. Up next is a slumber party, which B has been talking about for weeks.

Tomorrow I will again try to take it easy. I have a bad tooth, so I have to call the dentist. She is going to have to negotiate with Dr. B. about what to do. My guess is that it's going to just have to come out. The only silver lining I can think of about maybe having a shorter life is that I won't have to pay for dental implants.

My appointment with Nancy was amazing. She had kept me sane through all this and I feel good mentally. I just need to get some sleep.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you had a good snooze last night. Can I remind you that in the previous day's post, you said (and I quote) "Today I had the day to myself while B was in school and P was teaching. What did I do? Did I do the sensible thing to do and rest? No."

    I'm so glad Jessica okay.


    PS - Can you knit me a winter hat for wearing to bed that doesn't look silly? I'm not turning the heating on this winter. It's too expensive.
