Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Monday, September 26, 2011

Chemo Anon

Yep, that's about as close as I get to ye olde englishe, but it's true that I have chemo tomorrow. I am not dwelling on it at all. It just seems like what is going to happen and there's not a thing I can do about it. That's not true, really, I can not go. But that would be stupid, so I am going to choose to go. Damn, what a choice.

To lighten the mood today, Bennett and I decided it was time for Pat to get a haircut. I did the cutting and Bennett took the hair and made little nests for the birds and put them in the bushes and tree in the back yard. It was very cute. She would not let me cut her hair, because she is growing it like Rapunzel. Her bangs are already in her eyes, so it might be time for barrettes, which she hates.

Anyway, the cutting mood did not end with Pat's cut. Bennett ran out of her room with a dolly and...

mother sanctioned doll hair cutting. She had a ball and then cried because it looked too much like my hair. Apparently she wanted it to look like her hair. Poor thing. Personally I thought the cut looked much more practical and stylish.

Then her friend Spence's mom called to remind me that she is taking B and S out of school tomorrow and taking them to the Big E (that's a giant fair). Mama Jean invited B last week and I totally forgot, but B did not have a fever at all today, so I said what the heck. She loves Spence and his moms, so it seems like a nice thing to do to celebrate the end to fever-madness.

Pat is at work tonight. I am going to have some Pop Tarts and find something good to watch on TV/computer. I might knit a little, or not. I am just going to be. 


  1. Hi, Ruth! Sorry to be out of touch. I'm so glad Bennett is fever-few. Phew. Can't wait to see how she like the Big E -- and she gets to go with another kid! I will be a-calling you tomorrow, as you pass the time in Wonderful Worcester.
    Lots of love,

  2. Hi Ruth- I thought you might be getting around to cutting Pat's hair. she was looking a little mushroomy herself in that photo!

    Hope all is going OK in Worcester today. I am glad that Bennett gets to go to the Big E after that prolonged fever. (Of course, Avy wants to go now, too!)

    talk to you soon-

