Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Monday, September 12, 2011

Posting with Port

Port and cinnamon toast. Two good things that are helping me with my feeling a little worried. I got the appointment mix-up taken care of early this morning. I was right that Dr. B. hadn't made the appointments. So P and I have to be in Worcester at 8 am. That means that Aunt Theo is coming over to help B get ready for school and to take her there. What would we do without our Auntie Angels who help so much?

Anyway my actual appointment with Dr. B isn't until 8:30, I have to get my labs done first. I will post my results sometime around 10 am EST tomorrow while I get chemo. Enough about that. It will be what it will be. I keep reminding myself that no matter what Dr B says, I will still be alive, just as I am today. That makes me feel better. That and the port, cinnamon toast and the half an Atavan I took before dinner. I can't think of the last time I took any during the day. I am sure I said the same thing last time I took some during the day. It sort of works that way.

I asked Pat last night if she was worried about the scan results. And she quickly answered that she is trying not to think about it. That makes two of us. We have both been very tired the last few days. My theory is that we are tired from NOT thinking about the scan results, trying to be normal with Bennett, trying to be in our lives. It has been a very nice day. Pat took B to her first swimming lesson of the season while I poked around the house, filling up my time with laundry and other mindless tasks. I couldn't really sit still. When B&P came home we had some lunch and packed up all the things we have been gathering for the goodwill. It was a ton of stuff.

Bennett insisted that we first go to Barnes and Nobles. Fine. We got her another game and puzzle book. This one is noticeably harder. We'll have to see how it goes. She was very tired tonight, so I am not sure this was the best indicator of whether it will be fun for her. Getting back to the goodwill. We had about eight bags of books left over from the tag sale. They were not going to take them. The guy said everyone is getting rid of all their books and they have too many. I kept talking to him for a few minutes and he said, what the hell, I take your books. It was really nice because I didn't want to take them home and I didn't want to have to travel to the Salvation Army to get rid of them. Are books becoming the new LP?

After that we went shoe shopping. I am happy to say that B picked out a pair of very practical and stylish zip boots with butterflies on them, and Pat got some new work out shoes.

All and all the day has been very successful. I will finish my port, read my book and go to bed. Pat has her first night of the semester teaching at Hampshire College tonight, so it's just me and B. And we are fine.

1 comment:

  1. You can donate books at (it just happens that the first one I found on Google covers your area).

    I had heard that you're supposed to drink white wine with fish, red wine with meat and port with atavan.

    We'll all have fingers and toes crossed for your result today. I may not be able to ring as I'm travelling, but will do so as soon as I can.

    Love you lots. Mxx
