Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Snacks, Mushrooms and Love

What can I say? Today I got to sleep in until 11am. It was like a gift from God. It was especially nice because I stayed up till midnight finishing a wickedly good book that Aunt Ruth lent me.

Bennett still has a fever. At this point it's pretty low grade, but when she woke up it was almost 101. She is refusing to take any medicine and is sick of being home and sick. So we sent her to Aunt Liz and Julie's for the afternoon. They didn't mind that she was hot, and she had fun. But who really had fun was Pat

After dropping B off with Aunties, Pat went for a little mushroom hunt. Here she is with her Black Chantarelles. About 1/3 went to L&J and the rest are cooked up or in the dehydrator. She was is hog heaven. And she now knows two places to find them and today's place had three different patches. She loves the hunt. I had a grilled cheese for dinner - too worried about eating the wild mushrooms, but it was good too.

While B was with Aunties and Pat was hunting the wild mushroom, I got to have time to myself. It was wonderful. After so many days of taking care of B and generally being stuck in the house, I sat my butt down and read and did the bills and cleaned up a bit. It was just what the doctor ordered. When B got home, we played iPaddy and cuddled and cajoled her into taking some medicine. Then it was bath, books and bed. She told me while I was cuddling her, "can you look at me while I am falling asleep. I love to look at your good head." I told her I loved her head too and it was off to sleep. What a nice day.


  1. And what is the wickedly good book that "Aunt Ruth" lent you? love, Joanne

  2. The Likeness by Tana French. Into the Woods is also great. Enjoy!

  3. _Into the Woods,_ then _The Likeness,_ then _Faithful Place._ Ruth lent me _Into the Woods_ so long ago, that she forgot about it. I finally read it this summer, then had to throw over all other pursuits till I had read the other two. Although I'm disappointed the next one won't come out till next year, I guess it makes "making balanced choices" easier (no reading all day and all night)... I'm a Tana French fanatic, now.
