Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Not as Planned

So soon after I posted last night I got really sick. I had a miserable night and moaned and groaned most of the night. I don't know what it was - but I suspect is was the pork from the restaurant. The last two times I had the mystery pain (and I had it last night too), I ate pieces of meat prepared by restaurants. And you can't trust the portion sizes. Anyway, I was sick and now I am not. And that is good.

Bennett had a blast at the slumber party. She even slept. She loves her Aunties. She was also talking about her cousins today, Anna and Carly. I think she misses all the hullaballoo that happened at the Family Reunion.

Anyway, here are the pictures from the new bathroom. Pat did a great job and worked her butt off.

Pat finally gets her claw foot tub. Bennett loves it too.

The glass brick wall. It's more interesting in person. According to Pat, the towel rack is from hell. The installation was not as smooth as it could have been. It would have been nice if they included instructions.

Yes, we put glass doors to the bathroom. Didn't really think about the privacy thing until too late. 

Will post pics from the the RP room tomorrow. Good night. Oh, I can't go on anymore because we think the iPaddy is dead. As Bennett would say, it's a terrible horrible thing.

1 comment:

  1. The bathroom looks awesome Ruth. I'm jealous! Pat did an amazing job.I love the glass door too. Shauna is starting to take Marcos out and about a little more so we are getting closer to visits. It's so weird to me that the experts put the fear of God in new mother's making them feel like something horrible is going to happen if you expose your newborn to the "public" before they are a month old. I guess it's sort-of the mother cat thing - hide your babies until their eyes are open.
