Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Hurricane Schmurricane

I did not name this post - my brother in law, Dave, did. And that precisely what happened today in Holyoke. Not much. We had a smattering of rain, and some wind, but I've seen much worse. That said, the areas surrounding us did not fare as well. So for the second time, Holyoke was not hit by a big storm (the tornado this summer, and this hurricane). This is good, as Holyoke has other problems to deal with - you know, like the public schools and the poverty rate.

It was great with a capital G to have Dave here. He helped Pat put together the new sandblaster which did not come with assembly instructions. That was a good way to spend the time while we waited for Irene, who never showed up for us. Dave left for Boston around three and Pat and Bennett took a walk to visit Aunts Ruth and Theo. I got a call from Ruth while P&B were visiting and could hear the laughter and ruckus - they are such good Aunties.

I snoozed on the couch, and read books to B. I love love love reading books to Bennett. It is the most special time of the day. I love that she leans into me and has started asking a lot of questions about the characters in the books. We also started a sort of puzzle/game book that we play every night. It's really fun to see how much she knows (and to find out things I thought she knew, but doesn't).

That's about it. I am looking forward to tomorrow. It's supposed to be a beautiful day. The day before chemo, but I am not thinking about that. Right....


  1. I'm glad Irene was a dud for you guys. Good luck with chemo today. Plan to read books with B all day on Saturday - you both love it.


  2. Hello miss Ruth! It has been a while. Summer camps here at the art center are a very busy time!
    I had the same hurricane thought until last night. I sat down to watch a little TV after a lovely evening bike ride, and then I saw it, the news told of how Rutland Vermont was flooded and they actually names all the streets surrounding the one our house is on. Can't imagine that water would just be everywhere but my house. Can't drive there to check (bridges and roads out everywhere) and havn't gotten word from our "guy" there... but, as you know we can not dwell...Oh well...and I'll find something to funny about it. When the chimney on that house fell over during a wind storm several years ago I found it funny so, I guess I have to laugh at the water. I refer to that house as our "crack house". ( you'll have to ask Pat) There are a books worth crack house stories.
    any way...
    Enjoy Everything!!! Hugs and peace Karen B
