Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Monday, August 8, 2011

I'm Back

It took almost a week, but I am back. I feel good and that is great. I can feel the world around me and not be stuck in the muck of pain and fatigue. I am so lucky, I don't even know what to say.

For one thing, I will say thank you for sticking with me.

Today was an especially good day. I made delicious blueberry rhubarb jam. Six pints are in the freezer. The blueberries I got yesterday are a little sour, so the jam is particularly good and sweet-tart. I also made a half-gallon jar of garlic dills for the fridge. I will keep you posted on those, I know the recipe is good, but I've only ever made them and canned them. This time they will just sit in the fridge until we are ready to eat them.

We also went to the club for about 3 hours, I went to the farm while Pat stayed with B at the club. It rained off and on and when I left for the farm, Sandy, Avy and B were in the little covered part of the play structure. The slide was super fast after the rain- I saw Avy shoot off of it. The farm was lovely and rainy, then we came home to a meal that I cooked. Yes, it's true, after almost a week I finally got it together enough to cook. I made okra for the first time, with tofu and greens. It was good- so good to just have a bowl of goodness with Pat. Bennett was long asleep - she feel asleep around 4:30. She is in the tub for a late night bath and in a few minutes we will all go to bed together.

What a wonder life is. I hope I can hold on to this feeling for a while.

1 comment:

  1. I wish I was there to have some of that blueberry rhubarb jam! love, Joanne
