Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Monday, August 22, 2011

An Inventory of a Perfectly Lovely Day

I mean we had the most incredible weather today - New England is never like this. Dry and about 75 degrees F, with a slight breeze and puffy white clouds. It was impossible to be inside today- even I felt it. Pat took B to school - we all had a lousy night's sleep. Bennett was in our bed and totally restless. I think she was cold and kept burrowing into me - not is a cute way. I got up with them and resisted the urge to fall back into bed.

I had to get into the day, and I was lucky enough to catch Bob available to talk. So the way I was in the weather was sitting in my car with the door open talking to Bob in the Trader Joe's parking lot. It was fun to talk and nice to just soak up time with him and the day. I took some bags of things (I was going to say crap, but that's not nice) to Salvation Army, and went shopping. How on earth did we survive without Trader Joe's? I came home and talked with Aunt Ruth on the way - I was stuck in stop and go traffic and it was much pleasanter with Ruth along. After getting home, I had to rest. So I did and I tried not to feel bad about it.

I was supposed to go to the farm, but I was too tired and felt really guilty about it. Luckily I perked up after resting and decided that my afternoon adventure with Bennett was going to be going to the farm. The have a story hour every Monday at 3- so I lured her out of school and let her run barefoot all over the farm. She even took herself to story hour while I picked out the veggies in the share barn. She came back and told me she was done with the stories and wanted to trade her Italian ice in for an ice cream sandwich. No prob and off she went under a nice shady tree and spent some time looking at the sky. I picked Pat's favorite veg, green beans and Bennett ran in the puddles. I just figured she would get clean another day. It was lovely.

B fell asleep on the way home and ended up taking a nap, I got some time to read and recover from the farm (I swear I have to recover from everything) and prepare dinner.

So that is my day, I am pooped and have one goal for tomorrow- to pickle some carrots. I will post that adventure. There are some parts of me that think that canning for the future is sort of dumb, since how long will I be here? I also like the idea that I am making something that Pat loves and can eat and know me by. And here you thought you'd get away with me not being morbid. I just can't help myself.

1 comment:

  1. Pickled carrots sound great. We are working through a very big jar of Texas Christmas pickles in the fridge right now. They are just the right spiciness. I think of you every time I eat one! love you, Joanne
