Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

No Chemo- Just Snow

And I mean snow. We got about a foot of snow today - no one was going anywhere, least of all an hour and half away for chemo. So I will go next Monday - the first day they can fit me in. I have mixed feelings about it. Part of me thinks Yay, no chemo for another week. Then there is the part of me that doesn't want the cancer cells to think they are getting away with something and start growing. Mostly I just have to know that this is what is happening and there is not a thing I can do about it.

We are supposed to get another 6-10 inches tomorrow with ice in the mix. Yuck. I have to say we all started to get a little cabin feverish today. There was definitely fighting over the iPad. If we had three, we would use them all. I am sure. Bennett is completely proficient - finding games, puzzles and videos at her leisure. It's pretty amazing. They other day she found a site that had a bunch of free games and we downloaded two - Pat is pretty addicted to Kitty Physics and I am happy to play Bub for hours. I am sure this is just the first time we will benefit from her superior knowledge of technology.

Stay warm out there and be safe. Thanks for all the pre-chemo well wishes, I will take them with me next week. And secretly use them today just for kicks. Don't tell anyone.


  1. "And secretly use them today just for kicks. Don't tell anyone." --- That made me giggle, Ruth!

    Sorry you missed the chemo you'd psyched yourself up for today. Stay warm and dry with your sweet girls, and play nice! Lots more love!

  2. It's hard to have something postponed that you're mentally prepared for, but a foot of snow is about as good of an excuse as you'll get.

    Sounds like you've used it as a free pass. Enjoy yourself.

    Love you.
