Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Chemo Schemo

Yep, chemo tomorrow. The weather looks like it's going to be fine, we are sending B to school and have arranged for late pick up if need be. Pat hopes to be home before B's swimming lesson at 4:30. I am sure we will be. I am a little out of practice, but I bet it's like riding a bike - a bike that makes you feel woosey and keenly aware of your mortality. I am actually looking forward to seeing some of the nurses and being able to tell the volunteers that I can eat the lunch they offer - usually some kind of sandwich. Yum, sandwiches. I have been on a toast bender - with peanut butter and all that homemade jam from last summer.

We spent the day celebrating P's birthday. We took B to Northampton and walked around. Pat got to spend as much time as she wanted in Acme Surplus, we had ice cream and then took photos in the photo booth. B refused to look at the camera, so it will just have to be the time when we got all the profile shots. It was fun to be out and about on such a gorgeous day- it actually felt like spring, if you could ignore the giant piles of snow everywhere.

Pat then took B to the Y to swim and I was supposed to take a nap. I did not. I decided to do a Wednesday NYTimes puzzle on my own. I did it in about 45 minutes and I am pretty proud of myself. By that time it was too late to take a nap, and I watched some dumb TV on the computer. I have to admit that it hasn't been the perfect day. I wept in church. Even Rev. B. commented afterward that maybe I'd like her to come visit sometime this week to talk. That made me cry harder, then I made a pact with God. I would take care of my business, and He was in charge of my future or anything else that could be considered God's business. I felt instantly better and went home to have my day.

So let's all hope and pray that the future (especially tomorrow) is all set up for me and it will be good. I'll let you know.


  1. Those are my prayers, exactly! Best to you at chemo tomorrow. You'll do great, I know.


  2. Ruth- I am so glad you had a mostly nice day and were out and about, enjoying the beautiful weather and celebrating Pat's birthday. Happy Birthday, Pat! Hope all goes well tomorrow.

    Hugs to you, Pat, and Bennett--Sandy

  3. I love the alphabet soup of people surrounding you!

    Rev. B sounds pretty caring. I hope you'll get a chance to visit with her, but meantime I like the honest conversations you're having with your God (or is that "G").

    And HAPPY B'day to P!

  4. Happy Birthday to Pat. I'm reviewing your past postings and your haircut is fantastic. You look great. I'm so glad to know you're eating with zeal. I'm thinking and holding good thoughts for all of you. It would fun to see some pictures of B in her ballet outfits - and more of Pat.

  5. You are in my thoughts today. All the best with chemo.

  6. Thinking of you today! And telling the chemo to go clean up that liver! Maybe it will feel better this time knowing that it has less work to do. Happy birthday to the great Pat!!! I'm so glad that you've had a respite from the chemo for so long, but it's also time to take care of your liver now so you can have more chemo-free time! All the best to you all. love, Beryl
