Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Whoosh There Goes the Cancer

At least that is what I am hoping- with every whoosh of the pump some cells, lets of cells are dying.

Today I went into Webs, the yarn store where I used to work for about a minute right after I got laid off from Smith and before Bennett was born. I really loved that job and the crew I worked with. I don't go there very often because I think the owners are schiesters and I hate to give them my money. Anyway B has been asking for a blue dog hat for an age, so I decided to take her to pick out the yarn. The blue she picked is decidedly pink, but I grabbed a ball of blue too - just in case. So my former manager, who is a great lady, looked at me and said, wow you really look great, you've lost soooo much weight. So I said, I have cancer and that really took the weight off for me. I wasn't trying to be mean or embarrass her, but it's the truth. She blanched and said, that was not the answer I was expecting. And I said, me neither. So, it's like I have to come out in every situation, and every time it just makes it more real.

Not like everything else before this hasn't made it plenty real by now.

So, tomorrow is another day. Thank God and I am going to live it. Well, it's mostly going to be taken up with driving to Worcester in the freezing wind to return the pump and get my shot. Today I would say that I had a good productive day. I put the first coat of paint on the bookshelf (the one that I primed about a minute out of the hospital), tidied the house for the cleaning lady, avoided doing the finances for one more day and just about wore myself out. I took B to the yarn store and made dinner. I am looking forward to a nice early night in our nice cozy warm bed listening to the wind go past the house.


  1. "She blanched and said, that was not the answer I was expecting. And I said, me neither."

    I love reading your blog. The quote above is one of those lines that makes me REALLY love reading your blog.

  2. Sounds like a wonderfully productive day. That probably won't be the last time someone says something like that to you. They'll never say it again to anyone ever.

  3. Ouch, both for you and your former manager. Personally, I think it's not OK to comment on someone's weight in general, unless you are close friends and the topic has come up in conversation.

    I hope all is going OK in Worcester today-- the wind has calmed down a bit since last night. You are making B a blue dog hat? Hmmmm . . . I thought you already made her one-- maybe it was a blue mouse?

    I love your headlines-- my personal faves include Chemo Schemo, Harry Potty, Posting with Poptarts, I Want a Sandwich, and other gems-- clever!

  4. Whoops! I forgot Beast Eating. I think that one was best of all. LOL, as they say.
