Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Thursday, February 24, 2011

I Love my FastPass

I am really giving it a workout going back and forth to Worcester - I like not having to wait in line to pay the toll and I really like that that green light says "thank you." It's a nice touch. It will come as no surprise that I went to Worcester today to return the pump- as I told Bennett "it's not my turn anymore, but I am going to have another turn in two weeks." She said two weeks was a long time to wait for my next turn.  I am not even really sure what to say about that. Part of me thinks 'oh from the mouths of babes, and another part of me is happy that getting the pump may not freak her out so much if I can just put it in her terms.

I had a really nice ride out. I talked to Bob for about the first half of my trip, then Mary called. I talked to my mom almost the entire ride home. Only on the Pike where it is nice a straight and I don't have to do any compliacted interchanges. I am weary from the day in the car, and I think the chemo. Pat let me sleep in today - not knowing when she took B to school that I would sleep until 10. It was heaven. I lolled around until 11 then took off, got back to Springfield just in time to get B from school and here I am.

I can feel the bone pain starting in my shoulder again. I am praying that it doesn't go to my ribs again this time. I asked the nurse if the Atropine they gave me (to stop the runny nose thing) on Tuesday could make me speedy - like awake at 3 am trying to find out when I am going to have time to alphabetize my books, how I am going to get people to help me with a tag sale in the spring, I was like some kind of maniac. Thank God I finally fell asleep, but it was one of the reasons I was so sleepy yesterday. I am sure being in such a state is not helping me recover from the onslaught of chemo drugs. Those magical poisons coursing through my bloodstream.

Tomorrow I bring the car in and hope that it doesn't snow too much. They are predicting an inch or two. I can't tell you how I long for Spring. The green hope of life. I know it's just around the corner. Yay.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know how long we've had Easy Pass (NY, NJ, PA's version of Fast Pass) but I am grateful every time we use it. There are parts of the Pennsylvania turnpike where you can pass through at 55 miles per hour! Bob and I, being 14 year olds at heart, call it "Easy Pants."

    Hope the bone pain and the speediness are just passing annoyances. And also hope your visit next month will well into the start of spring in NYC!
