Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A Long Lovely Day

Today was like a vacation day. Pat brought B to school and I picked up the house for Laureen, our stellar cleaning lady. I took off a little early for reflexology and went to get cat food at the pet store that also carries gardening supplies. I breathed in the idea that I might be growing flowers this summer and bought some seeds. Just a few, and some seeds for snap peas because I can never get enough of those. I thought of green growing things just makes me so happy to know that I am going to be alive this summer. How bold am I?

I stopped at the Goodwill because I had 20 minutes and got a sweat shirt for P and a pink polka dotted pillow case for Bennett. I am happy not to be afraid of the Goodwill anymore. Saw Magic MaryAnn for a wonderfully relaxing session and on to home where my job was to relax and rest and make sure that I could make it to Bennett's drumming performance tonight. She totally rocked. She was the perfect blend of attentive and goofy. My heart booms with love for her and I was so proud of her.


  1. Thank you for this post! I'm breathing in your bold beautiful summer greens right along with you.

    Much love!


  2. How cute is Bennett!!! love, Joanne

  3. I love it! It's mini STOMP! Karen B
