Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Thursday, February 17, 2011

I had a Sandwich

Yes, I did. I had a turkey and swiss on ciabatta with lettuce, tomato, and onion. It was delicious and delightful and my good companions, Ruth and Theo, were happy to share in the joyous occasion. All those months of potato soup and Ensure saved my life, and I am grateful. But, and this is a big but, I am so so so happy to be able to eat for enjoyment. My spirits are higher, I have more energy, I am more motivated to cook. It's a total win win win. And I am the one doing all the winning.

I had a really nice day today. Another gift. Bennett's favorite pair of socks, hand knit rainbow colors, are getting too small. Well, they were too small about 6 months ago. I went to Webs and got some yarn and a pattern and I will make her a bigger pair. She says she does NOT want a new pair of rainbow socks, but I think when she see them and when she realizes that they will not get sucked into her shoes every two minutes, she might change her mind.

I also got a chance to talk to a woman who has stage-four colon cancer.  The Cancer Connections folks asked me if I would talk with her - she was just diagnosed in January. It was really interesting to talk to her, she has fewer, smaller tumors than I do, but really who is keeping track? She is also 20 years older than I. How did I feel talking to her? Lucky. I remember my first month after diagnosis. I don't remember that much specifically, but I do remember a lot of sweating, late night calls and what the F's? I don't want anyone else to have cancer, ever, but it was good to talk to someone who has the same diagnosis. I am not sure why. I guess that I am not the only one, that's pretty much it. I can't think of another reason. Does there need to be another? Oh, and we grew up in the same town in CA and went to the same high school 20 years apart. Freaky.

After all that I went to acupuncture, which was awesome as usual. Nancy is off next week, boo. I might have to spring for Reiki. Then I had a sandwich. After 'wich it was time to get B and that's pretty much it. I am wiped out and for some reason my jaw hurts- maybe from all that chewing, I don't know. I do know that I am need to get some sleep and get ready for my niece's visit. I can't wait.

1 comment:

  1. turkey and swiss on ciabatta with lettuce, tomato, onion, acupuncture, and knowing you're not alone... that's a good helping of healing!
