Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Monday, December 5, 2011


You know what I am saying, I have chemo tomorrow. I am trying not to write how I really feel which is something along the lines of, yuck, blah, no, I don't want to go, you can't make me, I am not doing it. But I am going to do it and I am going to get my scan results and I am going to be as fine as I can be.

'Nuff said. 

Had a great day today. I did not sleep well, so Pat was a mensch and took B to school so I could sleep in - until 11! The only reason she woke me was so I wouldn't miss Bennett parent/teacher conference. I am glad I didn't miss it, because she is a well-loved kid in a great school. I just they had a kindergarten, that would be the pinnacle of greatness for us. Alas, we are still waiting to see what school she is going to attend. I digress. The conference helped me know that sending her 5 days a week was a good decision. Her confidence is building every day. She is a great sharer and she is totally on track in every other way. They even told us we were really good parents and that was nice to hear.

They asked how we handle cancer with B. A very good question. I told them we are honest with her, but do not mention death. I tell her I have tumors in my belly, that the pumped medicine makes me feel bad and tired, and most times I have the pump we take it out and look at it and explore the tubes and port site, etc. And that B plays a lot of hospital games and pretends her dolls are dead a lot. She, apparently, does not do this at school. I also told them they can call anytime to ask question about something that is going on with B. I think her school is her safe haven from all the cancer crap. She loves it there and I hope that she loves her new school as much. 

That is pretty much the happenings for today. Wish me luck for tomorrow.

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