Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Monday, December 26, 2011

Happy Boxing Day

We are taking a short break from the feasting to watch Harry Potter (Bennett), gather our Christmas present that have spread all over Mary's house (Pat) and blog (Me). It was been an amazing couple of days. Lots of great presents - probably the most popular being the box of princess dresses that Mary got Bennett (they were from a colleague). The Snow White dress being the most popular. And she looks damn cute in it.

We've been getting out every day to have a walk. I am in terrible shape, but better to move than not. I have been feeling very tumor-y. By that I mean, my liver has been hurting me and it feels swollen and the tumor in the middle of my belly has been really hurting. It is a little bit strange to be between doctors, so I am not sure who to talk about it with. I have another appointment with Dana Farber on 1/4, so maybe I'll bring it up then. It also could be three days of drinking a ton of champagne. That might also have done my liver in. Yesterday I decided it was water only from now on. I think I missed some good wines at the feast we went to yesterday.

Bennett had a classic post- Christmas blow out tantrum last night. It was a doosy. At the end she was able to tell us that she missed Holyoke and all the people who live there that she loves, and all her Aunties, dog and cat. I told her about what homesickness is and she said, yes, I have homesick.

Me too. Though I am so happy to be here with all the activity, beauty and fun and great food.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Ruth! Just tried posting a comment three times, and each time failed. Finally looked up that I need to have third party cookies enabled. (I am using our desktop instead of my laptop; it has probably been set up with the strictest privacy settings imaginable!) Anyway, fixed the situation, but can't bear to write a fourth time right now; will send a nicer shout-out tomorrow. In the meantime, all is well here, lots of love, and give Bennett a squeeze for me!
