Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas Eve

It's been a lovely day so far. I slept until 1 in the afternoon by accident- Alex's room is like a time cave. There is no way to tell what time it is. No clock, no light, nothing. I thought it was about 10, at least I wasn't the last one up.

I went for a gorgeous walk with Mary. Pat went for a jog, Bennett stayed home and played with Cousin Anna. She told Mary that Santa will deliver her presents to her England house. \And when she gets home, she bets that Santa will have left some presents there too. She loves it here so much. I love to see her so happy, right now she is decorating cookies with the boys from next door and Cousin Anna.

Totally awesome so far. We got bumped to business class on the way here. We were very content in out sleeping pods. Boy are we going to have to readjust for the way home. More later.


  1. Hi, Ruth! So glad to get word of you, and that your travels went so well. Hurrah for happiness, pleasure, and family! I saw Toes yesterday, and after having a good meal, she pretty much ignored me. I saw Zeus yesterday, too, with Marsha -- and he says to tell you that while he loves Marsha and her man, he misses all of you very much. All love to you three, and Seasons Greetings to Mary and Anna and Alex and John.

  2. Have a great Christmas with your family. All of us at SF are wishing you, P and B great joy and safe travels. Please tell P we miss her. So glad she is jogging!Very cool.

  3. Hey Ruth- Glad to hear that you are all thoroughly relaxing and that Bennett is having such a great time with her cousins. Enjoy your holiday and hope to see you when you get back.

    Safe travels-Sandy
