Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Report on Sunday

A great good day. Full and lovely. I took B back to the Y tag sale because she was sorry we didn't buy the ugly 3 ft high doll that was there yesterday. Thank goodness someone else bought it. Yikes. B found more clothes that she liked, and like yesterday I felt like we scored. A few weeks ago she didn't have one winter dress - now she has plenty and I can officially stop shopping and worrying. Of course it was 85 degrees today and I put all her summer clothes away last week.

Pat took B to see Aunties Liz and Julie, where I heard they spent most of their time together digging in the dirt. B had a bath afterward and came home in her underpants because both the pair of pants we sent her in and the emergency pair got dirty. Sounds like fun. I spent that time to myself. My first plan was to plant my butt firmly on the couch and knit and watch a movie. Instead I made some chili, finished the laundry, talked to Mary, knitted the right half of the front of the sweater I am knitting B, and cleaned the kitchen. That includes breaking my boycott on emptying the dishwasher. I think that's it. It was nice to have the house to myself while I feel good. Usually I am in the house by myself when I feel crappy. Nice change.

Pat brought B home after going back to the tag sale that had all the good metal stuff and came back with a few things. B and I snuggled on the couch and watched a movie and now P is getting B to bed.

I feel so good that I can't even remember feeling bad. I can, but it's really far away. I am so lucky that I get these times when I feel good. I know there are people who feel like crap all the time. I am thanking my lucky stars right now.

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