Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Monday, October 3, 2011

A Fine Day

Today I left the house for more than just getting the mail or taking out the recycling. It was good, but it reminded me that I am not 100%. I have the crud that Bennett had, so now I am on antibiotics. I swear it is pretty scary when you get a little crud and it can be the thing that gets you. I think my immune system is fine, especially with the Neulasta, but it still makes me a little nervous.

That was a pretty dramatic beginning for what has been a very fine day. Let skip back to last night. B had some kind of nightmare/tantrum that lasted from about 9 to 11. It was very intense and sad. She was crying and weeping and calling out for me and Pat, but wouldn't let us touch her. Finally we just grabbed her in a big bear hug and she calmed down. She fell asleep in my arms at around midnight. Pat and I stayed up a little while and worried. What could be wrong? This morning I asked her if she remembered why she was crying, she said I was to put on my thinking head to think about it. She didn't want to know that I was already thinking about a million bad things that can happen to a kid.

Anyway, after I failed at putting on my thinking head, we all were off to swimming lessons. Bennett spent the whole time with a scowl on her face, trying to swim across the pool with her arms crossed. Luckily Sandy and Avy were there and we all went out for a snack at the Dam Cafe. It was just the right amount of activity for me. We went home and snuggled down for the afternoon. B was happy just hanging out with us and being with her stuff. I talked to her a lot, trying to figure out what was up. She finally told me that she was exhausted and that she didn't have anything scary. I felt better, but I know this is the event that makes me think that I have to really sit and tell her that I have cancer. She knows that I have chemo, that I go to the docs a lots, and I have been reading her a book about a mom who has cancer. But I have to really tell her. How to do it? I guess I will know the opportunity when I see it. Right?

So B is sleeping soundly with her Barbie who is all tucked in with her own flashlight and wash cloth blankets. I am posting while Pat is teaching at Hampshire. Here's a picture of me that B took. I like it because I can see in my eyes how much I love her.

1 comment:

  1. Love that photo that B took of you! Ali has night terrors once in awhile too, a couple times for an hour or so when he was around 3. Just last night, he was kicking me and screaming for 10 minutes or so in his sleep, but he didn't remember it at all in the morning. It's very unsettling for me, but I guess it's just a bad dream and they're not really awake. Hope it's a one time thing for you!
