Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Monday, October 24, 2011

Chemo Tomorrow

After all the colds and coughs and hardly feeling like a human being, I finally feel better. I had a great day. I hung out with Pat and Bennett, we went to do our last pick up at our farm. We have a winter share, but that's only once a month. Bennett and I spent most of the time throwing the ball to the farmers' dog, Zoe, while Pat picked the last of the raspberries. Bennett was in heaven and I felt guilty that Zeus doesn't know what the heck to with a ball. That maybe she would have more fun with Z if he did.

Z is at his summer house with Marsha. I think I posted this, but I will again. Our friend Marsha's dog died, so now we share Zeus with M and her family. They have a house on a lake in CT and a house on the beach on the Cape. He comes here to rest - we are his touch stones.

I am making sweet potato fries for dinner. Pat is gone teaching and had a quick bowl of the chicken leek soup we made yesterday. Bennett had pancakes and jello, I will have the fries and maybe some granola. I am not sure what's gotten into me, but I can't seem to get enough granola or oatmeal.  We are not the ideal family when it comes to sit down dinners with four squares and all. Oh well.

I really really really hate that I have to have chemo tomorrow, but as Julie says damn them for trying to save your life. Okay I get the picture. I sort of forgot that is what we are all doing. It just felt like they were torturing me for no reason. Not so. Gotta keep my eye on the prize. We just re upped for  a farm share for next summer. That seems hopeful to me. For awhile there I wasn't sure about anything. Not that I am now, but I feel more hopeful. That's good, right?


  1. All this talk about food made me think of this Greek restaurant Sophia's where they have this wonderful frittata and this time of year you can get it with:
    Pumpkin Pancakes
    (just one recipe I found)
    1 1/4 cups unbleached all purpose flour
    3 tablespoons sugar
    2 teaspoons baking powder
    1 1/4 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice
    3/4 teaspoon salt
    1 1/3 cups whole milk
    3/4 cup canned pure pumpkin
    4 large eggs, separated
    1/4 cup (1/2 stick) unsalted butter, melted
    1 teaspoon vanilla extract

    They serve the pancakes with whipped cream and cinnamon... mmm and pumpkin has all those wonderful vitamins... lol

    It was so much fun skyping with you ... I need to get on more often. Hugs and kisses to all .. love Di

  2. I hope Chemo day goes well. It sounds like Zeus has the best of all doggy worlds.
