Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Getting There

I am pretty much back, but am still working on my energy and strength. I hauled Bennett around the house for awhile today and that totally wiped me out. But it was worth is, she is so much happier when I can really pay attention to her.

This morning she woke up at around 8, I was sleeping in her bed. She crawled into bed with me and told me about her dreams, introduced me to her new huge stuffed Tigger (that Aunt Dori sent), and we just chatted. It was fun. We had a quiet morning of this and that, then off with Aunties for a fun afternoon. Pat took a long hike and I got to finish a book that Aunt Ruth gave me - If Jack's in Love. It was really good - I read it in one day-ish. It's a book written by the boyfriend of one of Ruth's best friends. I was sceptical at first, but it was a great read.

A nice dinner of kale and sausage soup made by Pat and all is pretty much well. I tried to help with the chopping of veggies, but the veggies right out of the fridge hurt the tips of my fingers. Like the feeling you get after being in the snow too long and your fingers start to thaw out. It hurt. So Dr B is right (damn him!) that the effects of Oxaliplatin are cumulative. I am going to have to get some kitchen gloves. As it is Pat has to get Bennett her Fudgicals.

I hoping for a good night's sleep and lots of energy in the morning. It's time to leave this house - cozy as it is. I need some new scenery.

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