Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Saturday, October 1, 2011

75% Human

25% I don't know what. I feel a lot better than yesterday, but still feeling knocked about. I can only imagine that if I feel this much better today, I will feel ever better tomorrow - maybe even get into the 90th percentile.

My day was good. Pat had to work, so it was just me and Bennett. Except most of the day it was just me. Intrepid Aunties Ruth and Theo came by to get B for ballet at 10 and didn't come back until 2:30. Bennett had a big adventure and I heard all kind of good things. She said she got three treats from Aunties- ice cream, some Critters and Aunt Ruth singing her songs. I am sure there were many more treats, as Aunties are the best. She came home ready to play with Critters, so we climbed into the bunk bed and played and read books. That was just my speed. We watched a little Pingu (this crazy penguin family who speak some penguin language - the only thing you can really understand is the burping and the occasional fart), had some dinner, a bath and that was that. All in all a very successful day for someone (me) who was worried about getting through it.

What did I do during my free time? I read a book under a blanket in our coziest chair most of the time. I didn't nap because I thought it might interfere with my night's sleep. I didn't sleep much last night because of all the napping. It's not much fun to be alone with my thoughts in the middle of the night, I have to say. But today instead of feeling like I am dying, I can see that it is just part of the process. The process of what? Probably dying, but living up until that last breath. Nancy says that we are all living until we take our last breath. Living is so much more than just being alive, and I intend to live the best I can.

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