Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

On Naps and the Easy Life

Yeah, it's true. I took it very easy today as a way to maybe get over this cough. I was up in the wee hours of the night without a drop of cough syrup in the house. I tried water, honey, anything. The only thing that worked was sleeping propped up on huge pillows. It, unfortunately, reminded me of being in the hospital. Needless to say the first thing Pat and I did this morning after dropping a very reluctant Bennett off at school was to go to the drug store and get five kinds of cough medicine. I guess I took some kind of step back. I hope I am not getting new virus.

After the drug store, Pat and I decided to go back to bed. I promptly fell asleep for three hours. Pat read. It was a shameful 1 pm before I got out of bed to make it to the couch so I could do only chores that required sitting and the computer. I wrote a few letters (yes, actual letters), did the bills, balanced the check book and stuff like that. Pat took Bennett swimming and to the park after school, so I had a chunk of time by myself. It was pretty nice. So, not a day necessarily lived to the fullest - I wasn't out seeing the Sphinx or on the canals in Venice, but a good day none-the-less.

Bennett, Pat and I had a discussion about imaginary friends. You see, Bennett has four - Flower, Nico, Angua, and Jane. Nico and Jane are boys who are five, Flower is a girl who is five, and Angua is two. Angua has been around the longest - well over a year. Flower just appeared maybe two weeks ago. While we were giving B medicine for growing pains, Pat told her that she had a very good imaginary friend named Dunkle when she was little. That they did everything together. B looked at me and asked me the names of my imaginary friends. I told her I didn't have any. She said I could have some now and gave me two - Fred and Vring. Our family is getting bigger by the day. So who knows what Fred, Vring and I will do tomorrow. It will be another easy day, but it will be better with my new friends along.


  1. Bennett is rich and generous! I love all of you! Looking forward to talking later today.

  2. Imaginary friends were great. I used to talk to them all the time when I was a kid. Now I just talk to myself. From now on when I get busted for talking to myself I'll just say I'm talking to my imaginary friend.
