Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Friday, June 24, 2011

Rain Rain Go Away

Oy, it's been days of cool rainy weather and enough already. I don't want it to be steamy, I just want to see the sun. Is that too much to ask? I am also thinking about Bennett's outdoor Bday party on Sunday. Will the ground be too soggy? I hope not.

Today was B's recital. I don't have any pictures becuase A.  we are terrible parents B. she covered her face with Barbie the entire time. She was the only one allowed to bring a doll, the thinking was it might help her get up the nerve to perform. And it sort of worked. She got up on stage and did some singing and dancing, all the while hidden by that damn doll. I am sure next year it will be different, she will be older.

I had a pretty good day today. After the performance, B&I hung out at the house and played until it was time to go to the farm. We went to the farm and got an enormous amount of veggies and some milk. The milk there tastes so much better than the stuff from the store, it's like a whole new food. We decided that it the milk we will have for B all summer. If she can get any - Pat and I love it so much. I made beets in ginger butter and fennel with garlic and parsley. Next I have to find something to do with the garlic scapes that I never wanted but took because of the frenzy around them. I just couldn't resist and now I have to do something. Last year at this time I was pickling and canning them. I just don't have the energy for that this year. I suppose I could, but the thought makes me want to put my head down. That is never a good sign. I will keep you posted on what I do with them. Maybe I will just make a refridgerator pickle and saute some up with some zuch. Sounds good.

So, that pretty much what is on my mind. Pretty good for a person with cancer. I've also been thinking about my mom a lot. And Pat, on her last day of work. And when will Bennett be fully potty trained? It's taking forever. What else? I started a new hat out of some cotton yarn I bought yesterday. I am about to have some ice cream and head to bed. That seems like enough for now. Love to you all.

1 comment:

  1. Glad your day was good and can't wait to see the new hat.
