Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Avastin (the super tumor-shrinking drug that I am on, along with several dozen others...) has been disapproved for use for breast cancer. I knew this. I got a comment from someone I don't know, and s/he mentioned this. It totally freaked me out. I thought it meant that the drug was totally disapproved. I think I now know how those women who have breast cancer and now don't get their drug might feel. Totally freaked out. Take a look at the comment and follow the link to sign the petition, if you don't mind.

I am good today. I worked from 9:30 or so to 1:30 or so on the trim in the new bathroom. I am super pooped and I didn't finish. The first couple of joins are not perfect (understatement), but I got better as the morning progressed. Pat will finish and I will do the finishing, and it all needs to be done by Wednesday when the plumbers come. Yikes. But we will get it done.

Then I went to see the Magic Marianne to get reflexology. I totally needed that.

I have been thinking again. I heard some chucklehead on NPR talking about the new treatments for cancer. That is not what made him a chucklehead, it was the fact that he said that 95% of cancer is self-inflicted. This is what he said. Too much sun, melanoma; smoking, lung cancer; too many hamburgers, colon cancer. I am pretty sure that those of us with cancer do not need to be made to feel worse by some asshole saying it's our own fault. The next story I heard was about combat and how it can be addicting. Never thought of that, but the soldier I remember best said the he never felt more alive than when in combat. I can relate to that. I have never felt more alive than the past 10 months.

I think I will have a one year on chemo party. Want to come?


  1. People who say cancer is self-inflicted are stupid. While it is true that one can get cancer as a result of one's lifestyle choices, I've known a lot of people who led "very healthy" lives (eating bran, running daily, avoiding second-hand smoke) who have had cancer. You just have to roll your eyes at people like that and wonder what their problem is that they need to think that way.

    And as far as the Avastin thing goes, try to remember that all cancers are different, which is why different drugs are used to treat them. It looks like they were trying to use Avastin to treat a very specific form of breast cancer with a specific pathology and it was found not to be effective for that specific use. Your cancer is different. I know it's nerve-wracking, but try not to add more worrying to the mix. Trust that your docs are staying informed and doing the best they can to help you kick this beast's @$$.

    I would love to come to your chemo party. I'll bring the lemon curd!


  2. Did someone say party?! Of course. Forget about the idiots' who have unexamined speculations on topics about which they are completely ignorant. You are doing what you need to do in the way that is best - have faith in that.
