Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Not Much to Report

Very easy day. A trip to the store, an afternoon engrossed by Grey's Anatomy. I skipped the one with the young woman with stage four colon cancer in for liver surgery. As soon as I heard that I hit the skip button and that's what I needed to do.

I am waiting for Pat and Bennett to come home. I am making braised radishes and white beans with chard and bacon for dinner. I am trying to do as much as I can before the stupid chemo kicks in again. I am torn by the chemo, as you know. Happy to be under treatment again, not happy to have my butt kicked. And my acupuncturist is off for the week.

And no one is commenting on my blog. No pressure, guys, but no comments makes me feel a little like I am talking to no one. You all might be wondering - where's Jim? I know, where is our Jim? New job, no time. Boo for me.

Not much else to say. I am just here, thanks to God and chemo. More tomorrow.


  1. Hi, Ruth, I am back!!!! I was so excited to pass near your house on the ride home from the airport. I craned my neck so bad Theo actually said, Do we need to stop in there first? I am just sitting on the couch trying to take it all in -- my trip, being home with Theo. She is being super nice and making me tea and helping me process everything. I can't wait to see you, though -- even though it may not be till Tuesday. I will talk to you sooner.

    Jim -- don't you know we all depend on you to say the just-right thing that we feel is what we wish we could have said?

    Ruth -- what are we watching Tuesday? Give Bennett a pre-squeeze for me.

    Lots of love,

  2. White beans and chard with bacon sounds delicious! Sorry I have not commented on your blog, but I have been reading it. sometimes by the time I read it, usually late in the evening, I am too tired to craft what I feel would be a worthy response to something that you have written. But I see that it is important to write something, rather than nothing at all, so I will try harder to post.

    Plus, I agree with Ruth. Jim always sets the bar for responses. I have never met him, but I enjoy reading his wise commentary. Hopefully he will be back on soon, inspiring us all to keep cheering you on.

    BTW, the Canoe Club Open House was interesting: very fun for the kids and I am sure Bennett and Avy will have a blast there this summer. We could barely tear Avy away from the place. There were a few kids from Avy's school and also from Prelude. As for us, I think we may have to make our own fun there, as I suspected might be the case. It was nice to see Anita Montanez there (Oliver's mom) who is joining with her family and a few other friendly faces in a sea of people who seemed all to be friends.

    Anyway, I will tell you more about it tomorrow. Have a good night.


  3. I haven't read your post in a while. Sounds like your trip to england was beautiful. I'm always amazed when you describe what you are cooking. My mother had 7 children...and although she was French, could not cook. We ate a lot of pasta and bland chicken. Occasionally she would dry out a roast for us to gnaw on...or fry the crap out of pork chops. Veggies were always from a can. God knows I love my mother but, I am always on the quest to learn how to cook and eat healthier. Somehow the cooking gene landed in my son Geoff...that boy can cook and I have nothing to do with it. That's one of the reasons I love to work at Snow Farm. Speaking of which...I'm coordinating this weekend and if you and Pat are out and about do stop by. Hugs and Love with chemo mellowing powers to you, Karen B

  4. hello Holyoke girls!

    happy to read that your trip was grand, nothing like a trip abroad to wake us up and put a perspective halo around all things.

    A possible gathering early July???
    your projects around home are incredibly ambitious...can't wait to see the fruits of this effort.

    sending love,
