Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I am Back

Sorry I neglected you, but I am back now. I was busy. I had a blast with my brother, sister-in-law and niece. We did all kinds of things, Sturbridge Village, Vietnamese Food, sitting in the sun shooting the breeze. A lot. It was good. The weather agreed with us and they were all great and more than accommodating with Bennett. Of course she loved it- all that attention, all those great relatives.

Bill and Trish gave me and Pat a night off and we went out for sushi and talked and talked. It was a bright moment. Such a good gift for us, we really needed it.

After everyone left this morning, I had some time to myself which I misused by doing laundry and trying to get the house in order. I didn't do that great a job because Pat and I just spent another hour getting the house ready for the cleaning lady.

I am vexed by mini hotflashes. They are terrible. They soak my bald head - with no respect for where I am or who I am with.

We are getting ready for B's birthday, which is tomorrow. Her party is in the Sargeant St. park this Sunday if you want to come for some cake and games. It should be a blast.

Tomorrow more life, thank God.

1 comment:

  1. Hooray for Bennett Ranger van Erp! A Word to the Wise, today is Tuesday, not Wednesday. I am looking forward to the weekend, and partying with The Girl. Hope by the time you read this you have had some restful dream journeys.
    Lots of love,
