Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Friday, April 1, 2011

Oh Crap

I had such a crappy day. I tried and tried not to, but really it didn't work. I got some things done - laundry, painting and such, but I also generally felt irritated.

I am worried about the pain in my belly and made a deal with Pat that if it's still there on Sunday, I will call the docs. I thought about calling Dr. B. today but I thought he would only say one of two things - it's nothing and I'll see you Tuesday or go to the hospital. I just did not want to give him the opportunity to tell me that. So I didn't call, and I worried all day. I should have given him the chance to tell me it was nothing and see you Tuesday. Argh. It's that fear again.

I also had a call from the woman who facilitates the terribly upsetting support group I went to once. You might remember how traumatized I felt afterward. So this woman calls and she says she so happy to hear my voice because last time she called she spoke to my sister and I was in the hospital and she had no way of knowing what happened. Okay, I don't know what you think she was saying, but to me she was saying, phew, I am so glad you are not dead otherwise this would such an awkward call. The next thing she says is something along the lines of "and you have such a huge diagnosis, I didn't know if the hospital was something planned or..." Double argh. This is the first time that I have felt like I was dying in a long time. It actually occurred to me during the conversation that I might not make it to my trip to England, never mind the Family Reunion in July. I think she might be the world's worst therapist. She left me devastated on the side of the road.

If I didn't know my mother was reading this I would call her a really bad name right now.

Since that call I have been trying to get myself righted. But it has been hard because I started out a little grumpy, then a little worried about my liver, and now super worried about my "huge diagnosis." Well, mostly I think of it as an on-going project, not anything else. And, as you know, there are days when I hardly think of it. I am too busy, really, to worry about God's business. I try to leave my future in his hands, that way I can have a really good now. Ah, there it is, I need to remind myself to mind my own bee's wax. I always feel better when I do.

1 comment:

  1. If I were telling my good friend Ruth Van Erp about an already troubling therapist calling me out of the blue and saying such things, I'm thinking my good friend Ruth Van Erp would advised me to say to this therapist: "Excuse me, I can't have this conversation you. My encounters with you thus far have only left me very troubled about things over which I have no control. Goodbye." Or something just as clear, honest, to the point, (grammatically correct) and protective of yourself and your needs. And I would think (as I often do) how much I wish I could be more like Ruth Van Erp. (She might also advise me to say something similar to my abdominal pain, and call my doctor.)
