Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Butt Kicked, Gratitude Intact

I am feeling it still, but doing good. This is what it feels like to get my butt kicked this time. My fingernails feel like they are on too tight (when I stretch my fingers, my fingernails turn white), my arms are fatigued and sore, my heart beats really fast anytime I do a little work, I have a thirst that I can't seem to quench, I have a headache and my nose is pretty much full of blood all the time. There are a few other things that shall remain nameless, but I just wanted to get it all on paper (?) so that you all know what it's like. Or at least can know 7 out of 10 things that are bothering me when I say chemo is kicking my butt.

Not all is full of terribleness and fatigue. I had a nice long day with B today. Pat set up the TV, DVD and VCR in the living room so we could have our own film festival. We watched Cinderella, part of the Empire Strikes Back, and other princess movies. Then we dyed eggs. It was a total blast. We had five colors, a dozen eggs, and lots of spoons. B made lots of colorful eggs and then decided we should put all of the dyes in one bowl as an experiment. One egg went in and came out camouflage green. The next thing I know, all the eggs are in the dye and we have 12 green eggs. I asked her if she liked green eggs and ham and she giggled and asked if I was making a joke. She is just learning about joking.

We had some egg salad on toast and goofed around until Pat got home. I had a nap which revived me like nothing else, and now I am eating pears, almonds and cheese and looking forward to the morning which will be sunny (fingers crossed) and bunny-filled. Happy Easter to you all.


  1. "...Or at least can know 7 out of 10 things that are bothering me when I say chemo is kicking my butt." --You keep us real, Ruth! I'm here taking it in. You are so strong. And I've got a lot to learn from you.

    Happy Easter, spring, passover... new life.... to you, your Bennett girls, and all your loved ones!
